The meeting was called to order at 7: 00 AM by the president of the AFA, Diana D. Carr, MD. Present during this meeting were members: Jose G. Ramón, Alfonso E. Pino, MD, Judy Wright, MD, John Wright, MD, Diana Carr, MD Lenox Amow, MD, Steven Rabin MD, Eduardo Gonzalez Hernandez, MD, James P. Elms, MD Phillip Ireland, MD. Via phone Line Dr. Geofrey Miller was in communication.
Members by proxy: Jose Hernandez, MD Jorge Ruiz, MD Arnaldo Lopez, MD Rolando Jorge, MD, Arnold Valenson, MD Muhamud Hafez, MD.
Minutes of the previous meeting in Acapulco , June 2005 were available for evaluation and acceptance by the board members and the president. No corrections were needed.
President's report was presented to the board members present. The work done by Diana Carr and G. Miller in reference to recuperate the documents of the AFA from the prior president Dr. Dana Seltzer was outstanding. All boxes containing these documents are in the domain of DR. Carr in Sebring , FL . safe at last. A complete list of members with E-mail address is almost done. This will greatly decrease the task of mailing.
Dr. Ramón presented an economical status of the AFA, including the monies obtained by member's dues, and the monies that came from the account of the AFA in Arizona . As of 3-22-06 The AFA total funds are $93,368.50, an increase of $15,191.70 from previous months. We must congratulate Dr. Ramon for this accomplishment.
The treasurer recommended to be frugal in the expenses because the amount of money collected from dues is not very large and if we take the route to be as we did before in complete responsibility for the annual AFA meeting, significant expenses will occur.
There was unanimous recommendation to joint the Latin American Society of Orthopedic and Traumatology (SLAOT) in September 2007at Mexico City if the meeting of the Board of the SLAOT tomorrow this motion is granted. Dr. Ramón is the president of the of the USA section of the SLAOT and Dr. Pino is the secretary, using this as a leverage we plan to obtain an approval for the joint meeting which will save a great deal of money. The AAOS will have significant presence in this event. Dr. Rabin and Dr. Carr are to make contacts with the Academy in such a way that our work is in cooperation with all parties involved
A new member submitted his application for membership Dr. Diwakar Pulisetty which is a partner of Dr. Ramón
The cost of the AFA board meeting, and the general and guest breakfast meeting is being shared with the sponsor Hand Innovations. This company was recently sold to De Puy and was previously owned by Dr. J. Orbay an AFA board Member.
Dr. Carr will start immediately requesting the Exhibit for the AFA in the AAOS annual meeting for the 2007. This event will be held at San Diego , CA .
The Annual Meeting of the AFA will be held in June 2006 at the Hilton Downtown, Nashville , TN. All arrangements have been made with the International Collage of Surgeons. We will have a full morning on Friday, June 23, 2006 . Following the academic program a General Membership meeting will follow. The Board will meet on June 22, 2006 , Thursday evening. Time and place of the AFA Board meeting will be distributed later. We will present 10 lectures. Some more applications for membership will be sent, among them, Dr. Maxine Cole from Coffeeville, KA.
The general impression is that the bad times of a year ago are over with the continued hard work and dedication of our members, the AFA is alive and well again.
The meeting was adjourn to continue with the breakfast lecture.
We will circulate the minutes of this meeting among the members.
Alfonso E. Pino MD (Secretary AFA )
